+ conoscenza - paura (more awareness less fear)

Libera Universita di Bolzano, 2017
Medium Physical Installation participatory Type Research ArtAdvocacy

We propose that Participatory Data Physicalizations (PDP) can be a way to promote participation, democratize data beyond the simple diffusion of information and deepen citizens? understandings of complex everyday life. Relying on those reflection, the research team designed a PDP in the frame of the TED MED event, held at the Politecnico di Milano on November 3 2017. The project aimed to inform a heterogeneous audience on the quantitative data connected to the cancer in Italy and the related prevention best practices, through senses other than view, and a playful approach. One of the aims of the installation was to expose participants to their lack of knowledge, asking them to guess on cancer-related numbers, so making them aware of their ignorance on the topic, through a playful approach.
The evaluation and the data collected revealed that people underestimate the cancer: despite they know its dangerousness they think it can be avoided mainly following the prevention best practices. Moreover, the evaluation confirmed that the project successfully exposed participant to their information gap on cancer data, arousing curiosity on the right information, that were then provided through an informative booklet distributed after the completion. Compared to a digital form online survey where usually a discrete percentage drop some questions or answer randomly, all the participants completed and answered to all the questions, probably due to the physical and participatory approach that engaged participants and let them feeling ?on the stage?, so protagonists of a particular experience, pushing them to a serious and intense participation.



  • Matteo Libera Universita di Bolzano

Project Partner

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Know and be live, https://www.knowandbe.live/