, 2014
Area Other Medium Information Visualization decentralised data access to realtime data Type Other

Thingful is a search engine for the Internet of Things, providing a unique geographical index of millions of connected objects around the world, including energy, radiation, weather, and air quality devices as well as seismographs, iBeacons, ships, aircraft and even animal trackers. Thingful?s powerful search capabilities enable people to find devices, datasets and realtime data sources by geolocation across many popular Internet of Things networks.

Find out what connected objects are near you, weather stations or connected bicycles. If you are concerned about asthma, find out about any air quality monitors in your neighbourhood; somebody working with a Raspberry Pi can find others round the corner using the same computing platform; if you notice a ship moored nearby, discover more about it by tracking it on Thingful, or get notified of its movements; a citizen concerned about flooding in a new neighbourhood can look up nearby flood monitors or find others that have been measuring radiation. You might even watch the weekly movements of a shark as it explores the oceans. The possibilities are endless!



  • Haque, Usman